Bellevue Contractors typically has four to eight projects in an active operational phase, with additional projects in various pre-construction phases
We have a 10+ year relationship with multiple contractors, steel, concrete, masonry, drywall, flooring, painting, roofing, excavation, fire alarm, sprinkler, building automation and other specialty contractors.
The list below includes some of the projects completed over the past few years.

Total fire alarm system upgrades at a twin 8 story corporate center.
Full floor office building renovation, 20,000 sq. ft. total demolition and rebuild.
Space renovation including walls, ceilings, MEP, floors, finishes and furniture at (7) different locations ranging from 5,000-15,000 sq. ft.
Space renovation common area upgrades including trim, carpet and paint at building complex.
Renovations to Auditorium in corporate center.
Network Equipment Room rebuild including abatement, walls, floors, total power reconfiguration, fire system mods, building automation mods, network system transfer and HVAC mods.
Manufacturing equipment upgrade projects. These projects also include drawing development for the space mods needed to incorporate new and relocated equipment.
Sprinkler and domestic system main feed upgrade for 9 story building including excavation and wet tap into a city high pressure main.
Building escalator replacement project including complete demo and replacement of (4) escalators in corporate center office building.
Security Portal Access Entry projects, including mods to the entry points, card reader portal installation and lobby finish renovations at (6) building locations.
UPS room HVAC upgrades at office building complex.
Security gate projects at (2) building complexes.